Tag Archives: racing

And so it begins..

November 3rd… November 3rd is the day I will officially start training my little butt off for the races to come the following year!  Eeek!  I am excited and nervous all rolled into one.  I have doubts about being able to do it but I know I am going to!  I will finish these races. 🙂  I am going to be setting up a fundraiser page to raise money for two local organizations to benefit while training and will post it when ready.  I feel like the extra kick of knowing that I am helping someone will be a great motivator throughout the trials and tribulations that are to come in the next 5 months.

The past week has been super fun, and a tad hectic.  I’ve started back at crossfit which I’m hoping to incorporate into my running schedule to keep up strength just a couple days a week.  I’ve found it has been super helpful with alleviating some muscular imbalances that used to cause me pretty bad pain.   I’ve also managed to force myself to yoga a handful of times which I can feel my body loves but my brain has a hard time slowing down and relaxing.  I had midterms too!  I aced them all, but just when I thought I could relax research papers and more tests get thrown in.

As for running the past week, I have to admit I’ve been slack.  This past Sunday I got out with a group of ladies in North Vancouver who were amazing enough to run around in full costume trying to force candy on to strangers.  Solana did a great job of organizing it, but it seems that people out for their early morning runs are hard to convince to take candy.  It was a super fun time and we covered quite a bit of ground!  Time flies when you’re having fun!

Other then that not much to write home about in the running world this week other then an amazing soggy adventure last night at Bhrom Lake with my friends Alana, Dan and 5 dogs!  The trail was so flooded that we lost it in several sections and managed to have a mini epic on a 4.5km trail.  Some spots were calf deep, the trail was completely gone in places, we ended up in the lake at one spot, scrambled over/under logs, down loam.  Oh man it was fun.  Adventurous, rainy night runs are quickly becoming a thing of obsession for me.  It is hard to explain, but I definitely am loving it.

Sort and sweet.  I will post updates weekly about how my training is going. 🙂

Here are some photos!

reverse trick or treating furry pals

post a successful reverse trick or treating run, with an unhappy husky pumpkin. “mommmm take this off me.”

shin deep water at bhrom lake… 3 of 5 dogs.

and, because I feel like adding a heart melting photo of my fur baby and my adorable niece…

Is your heart melting from cuteness overload?

(Solana did a way better reverse trick or treating blog post with way better photos so heres a link to that! http://www.solanaleigh.com/2014/10/29/candy-strangers/#more-7105 )

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